Lake County Estate Planning Attorney

Lake County Lawyer for Trusts, Wills and Powers of Attorney
Modern estate planning is evolving in a way that offers many more choices and a higher level of control to the planner. You can use wills, trusts, or both to control who receives what and when or how they receive it after you have passed away. You can also use powers of attorney to appoint people you trust to make health care decisions or manage your finances should you become incapacitated during your lifetime. The options available in modern estate planning are nearly endless. It is just a matter of sitting down with your attorney and making them.
The Livingston Law Office is experienced at guiding people through the entire process of building a complete and comprehensive estate plan. We are highly knowledgeable in this field and can offer you the tools you need to make the decisions that are right for you and your loved ones. The type of estate plan that works for you works for us. Our lawyer is here to help facilitate your decisions.
Trust Attorney in Winnetka
Trusts are just as frequently - and easily - used by estate planning attorneys as wills are in modern times. Trusts can offer quite a few benefits, such as allowing your beneficiaries to skip probate entirely, which can save substantial time and money. You want your assets to go to your loved ones, not the courts.
With a trust, you can also make controlled distributions over time rather than leaving your beneficiaries a lump sum, which can offer them greater financial security.
The Livingston Law Office can help you choose the type of trust that best serves your purposes - there are many. Revocable, irrevocable, and specialized types of trusts for unique purposes are all available in Illinois.
Northbrook Lawyer for Wills
If a will is the better choice for you, our attorney can custom-design one that suits your purposes. Even if you use a trust as your primary testamentary document, there are several situations in which a will can or should be used in conjunction. Parents of minor children, for example, should typically create a will so that they can name their preferred successor guardian should they pass away before their kids reach adulthood.
Pour-over wills are often used as a failsafe for trusts. A pour-over will simply leaves any of your property that did not quite make it into the trust during your lifetime to the trust so that it can be distributed according to your trust instructions.
Law Firm for Powers of Attorney in Glenview
Powers of attorney are a critical component of a good incapacity plan. The fact is that most people will experience an age-related incapacity during their lifetime. With a power of attorney, you can name the person you would want to make personal and health care decisions for you, as well as the person you would want to manage your financial affairs.
Incapacity is unavoidable when it occurs. If you do not have powers of attorney, a guardian may need to be appointed to make these decisions and handle your property. With powers of attorney, you can choose a person or people who you trust to take on these important responsibilities.
Contact a Winnetka Estate Planning Lawyer
If you are ready for The Livingston Law Office to start building the ideal estate plan for you, we are ready to take your call. You can contact us online or call 847-544-6657 to begin with a free consultation. We serve clients throughout Cook and Lake Counties.