Glenview Wills Attorney

Lake County Wills Preparation Lawyer
Wills are the classic estate planning document. When you create a will, you have the opportunity to decide who should benefit from your estate. You can leave specific items to particular people, make monetary gifts, divide up shares of your estate, or move stray assets into your trust. A will can be your primary testamentary document or a supplement to a trust, whichever works better for you. The choices are yours.
The Livingston Law Office is here to help guide your choices. When you know what you want, our job is to put it all into a properly executed, enforceable legal document. There are quite a few formalities that go along with the creation of wills, and a number of steps we take to ensure that your will can be carried out as it is written. Our lawyer is highly skilled at designing strong wills.
Wilmette Lawyer for Will Execution Formalities
It may be tempting to try to create a will yourself, but there are a lot of potential pitfalls there. Illinois state law sets out a litany of legalities and little steps that must be taken to make a will legally valid. Any missed step can open the door for an estate contest that could end with your will being discarded and your estate sent through intestate probate. That certainly is not what you want.
The Livingston Law Office is intimately familiar with all the vital components of a will and the steps that must be taken to validate it. We can help with things like creating proof that you were of sound mind when you executed your will and ensuring that the signing is appropriately witnessed. With us, you can be confident that your will is legally sound and ready for probate.
Wills as Supplements to Illinois Trusts
Even if you are using a trust to pass on your assets, there are a few situations where you should also have a will. First, if you are a parent, and any of your children are minors or disabled and dependent, a will allows you to name the person you would prefer to take guardianship of your children should the need arise. You can still use a children's trust to pass your assets on to your kids while skipping probate.
You may also want what is known as a pour-over will. Assets must be in your trust to be governed by the terms of your trust. It sometimes happens that not all of your property makes it into your trust during your lifetime. A pour-over will simply bequeaths any remaining assets to your trust so they can be distributed according to the instructions you left in your trust.
Legal Help Changing or Revoking Wills in Winnetka
If you have already made a will some time ago, and you have since reconsidered its terms, we are here to help you make any necessary changes to your estate plan. If you have a will and decide you would rather have a trust controlling your estate property, we can accomplish that change.
Any time you decide to make a change to your estate plan, it is important to consult with an attorney. You may need to formally revoke your will or create a codicil. We can take you through the whole process of making any changes you want.
Call a Glencoe Wills Lawyer
The Livingston Law Office can help you create or change your will, whether you are using it on its own or to supplement a trust. Our attorneys can design a will that perfectly suits your needs. Contact us online or call us at 847-544-6657 for a free consultation. We serve clients throughout Lake and Cook Counties from our convenient Glenview office.